
High-Performance Vegan Letters 

Profound dives into deep health, plant nutrition, high-performance fitness, integrative psychology, and self-mastery. 

Beradi's Law and A Simple 3-Tier Fitness System For Success Feb 05, 2024

I can be a slow learner.

If there’s ONE lesson I’ve had to learn repeatedly - it’s my environment.

According to Beradi’s Law, you eat the food around you.


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3 Lessons From Lifting Weights From the Past 13 Years and One Fruit You Should Be Eating Daily Feb 01, 2024

11 months left in 2024.

It's incredible how time passes.

And there are quite a few things I'm looking forward to in this new year...


  • Health goals
  • Lifestyle growth and optimization
  • ...
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Fat Loss Cheat Codes I Know At 31 That I Wish I Knew At 21 Jan 29, 2024

I always wanted to be lean.

And toned.

Having a strong, lean physique was a goal of mine for many years.

And for many years - I failed.

Yet, just because I failed didn't mean I had tried...

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How Many Steps Should You Get Each Day and Why You Should Stop Buying Supplements Jan 25, 2024

Earlier this week, I was speaking to a client.

During our session together, she mentioned that she struggles with self-discipline.

She shared that she performs better when she has someone she's...

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How To Build Muscle in Under 45 Minutes Every Workout Jan 22, 2024

I've been focused on muscle-building for nearly 13 years.

I've spent hundreds of hours and read dozens of books on the art and science of hypertrophy (muscle-building).

Science because there IS a...

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3 Reasons To Workout At Gym and The Hidden Cause Behind Rising Obesity Levels Jan 18, 2024

One of my favorite places to be?

Close to nature.

In particular, I love waterfalls.

The energy and negative ions from running water are incredibly powerful for the body and health.

Most days, we're...

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4 Best Fitness Tools For Busy Leaders in 2024 Jan 15, 2024

2024 can be a great year.

With the right tools.

I've experimented with 100's of the best fitness and nutrition tools over the past 15 years.

Most tools are crap.

However, some rise and are the...

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Why You Should Start Eating More, 2 Timeless Truths For Permanent Weight Loss, and One Exercise To Avoid Jan 11, 2024

It's almost the middle of January.

And watching the seasons change can teach us about our nature.

There are seasons for activity.

And seasons for reflection.

There are also seasons mixed with both....

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3 Ways To Reverse The Damage of Stress Jan 08, 2024

Stress rules the world.

And as someone who has lived with stress for long periods, I understand.

For most of my life, I've dealt with stress poorly.

My approach to stress was twofold:

#1 Accumulate...

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Why You Should Avoid Sugar and The Best Decisions I Made Last Year Jan 04, 2024

It's a new year.

It's incredible how fast a year can go by.

It's easy to see how fast time passes five days into the new year.

This is why taking the time to reflect and slow down is important.


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5 Habits To Reverse Damage of Sedentary Lifestyle Jan 01, 2024

Moving less is more common.

Moving more is rare.

As a species - we're moving less each day.

And reflecting on the past ten years, I've noticed a similar trend in my own life.

Ten years ago, my...

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My End-of-Year Annual Review and The Art of Shikantaza Dec 28, 2023

The last week of 2023.

What a year.

After spending the past few weekends reflecting on this year, my lessons, my mistakes, and everything in between, I've come away with one clear conclusion:


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