Step forward as a positive role model for your family and community without worrying about exercise or nutrition.

Here’s how:

  • A proven strategy handcrafted for your body, health, and plant-based lifestyle
  • World-class accountability to keep you on track even during your busiest seasons (including travel, raising family, and work projects)
  • 1:1 expert mindset coaching to rewire your relationship with your health and body (since workouts and macros won’t ‘cut’ it)

Getting in shape as a plant-based leader doesn’t need to be difficult.

We’re changing this one human at a time. 

Question: Why do 40% of plant-based leaders feel unhappy?


Answer: Because they know they’re not living up to their full potential. 


Hi, I’m Gabriel Zhanay.

I understand because this used to be me.

I used to be the guy who felt incongruent, unhappy, and not being my best self. 

It’s also why I spent 100’s of hours developing a world-class approach to teach plant-based leaders how to redesign their health and create permanent transformation. 

Our mission: To cut through noise, remove distractions, and blast through the b.s. that surrounds ‘modern’ fitness and nutrition dogma. 

In 2019, my wife Anna and I launched Vegan Fitness Redefined and our Accelerator Program as part of our mission to help 100,000 plant-based leaders become healthy role models. 

The past 5+ years, we’ve helped over 300+ clients worldwide (in 8+ countries) drop body fat, get strong, and create high levels of confidence. 

We know a thing or two about helping busy leaders... and what it takes to STAY in shape.

In the Accelerator 2.0 Program, we demystify fitness, simplify nutrition, and create a hand tailored plan even with a busy lifestyle. 

(even with a jam-packed schedule, traveling non-stop, and raising a family).


Here's how you can become a High Performance Vegan:


Fitness Made Simple

Fitness should enhance your life; not overwhelm it. We give you the exact strategies to workout in less time, shred body faster, and build muscle in a simple manner. Whether you're on the road, traveling non-stop, or need hotel/home/gym workouts, we'll design a hand-tailored plan for you.

Handcrafted Plans

Your body is unique. One of the things we pride ourselves on is building each program from scratch. Want to enjoy your vegan cake? We'll teach you how. Interested in enjoying a glass of wine each week? You got it. Don't want to live in your kitchen? We'll show you the ropes.

We Grow With You

Getting healthy and fit can be a lonely journey.

Which is why we’re committed to growing with you. We get to know you on a personal level including your family, partner, dogs, and kids. The more we understand you as a human, the better we can coach you when 'life' happens. 

We'll teach you how to win your health - for life.

Results Made To Last

95% of people who lose weight regain it within 5 years or less. 

We create winning formulas for you to get leaner, stronger, and fitter in less time. If you’re looking for quick fixes or short-term results, this won’t be for you.

Everything we share is evidence-based so you'll have access to the latest information to ensure you're seeing permanent and sustainable results. 

World-Class Accountability

Habits take time to build. Without the right support, it's easy to fall off track. 

Inside each 1:1 program, we'll hold you accountable using using our 3-tier accountability system. 

Whether you're a beginner or more advanced, we'll match the right amount of accountability to enhance your life, not overwhelm it. 

Every great leader has a coach or mentor - why not you?

Optimize Your Health

Mobility. Mindset. Emotions. Longevity. Flexiblity. 

These are some of the core pillars you'll learn to master inside your program (each pillar is customized to your life). 

You’ll learn how to create high levels of energy, strength, and confidence in your body while reducing pain. 

We'll also teach you how to rewire your thoughts and emotions regarding fitness so you stop self-sabotage. Permanently. 



The VFR Accelerator 2.0 Program


The VFR Accelerator 2.0 Program is the proven roadmap for plant-based leaders, founders, and creators.

You'll learn to build a lean, strong, healthy body using our handcrafted 1:1 approach that works for your busy lifestyle.

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Sebastiaan dropped 5 kg even with a newborn child and leading his sales team


Sebastiaan is a busy sales manager leading his team every week. He also became a new dad early on in his program while having a planned trip to Spain with his family.

In the midst of all this, he still dropped 5 kg and 6 inches off his waist. He learned to trim off body fat while eating his favorite plant-based meals even during one of the busiest seasons of his life.

He also became confident in the gym (having never been a 'gym rat') and started to fall in love with exercise and working out.

As a new dad, navigating his busy schedule was a top priority working together. He learned how to take full ownership of his health while getting reclaiming his inner athlete - and getting lean. 

One of the biggest wins for Seba was his renewed self-confidence especially when he looked at himself in the mirror. Way to go!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Neveen dropped 22 inches across her body while working as a high-end club director


Neveen works long hours.

A manager inside of a luxury club, she focuses on creating a great client experience for the club guests.

She also had neglected her health for years.

Post pandemic, she was struggling with her health even though she had tried gyms, personal trainers, OrangeTheory, and more.

She finally reached out and applied for help inside VFR.

Over time, she dropped over 22+ inches across her entire as well as 15 pounds of body fat. She learned to exercise consistently even with a time-consuming job while juggling her family responsiblities.

Another great win for Neveen was her change in mindset towards her health.

She eventually became inspired to stop drinking and smoking while changing her emotional eating habits.

She's a great example of what it means to take full ownership.Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Jamie dropped 30 lbs while working 60+ hour weeks


Jamie works 60+ work weeks. Juggling his work and family life are no small feats.

Yet, due to overwhelm, he gained 30 lbs and lost his confidence in his body.

So we got to work. Creating a new relationship with food and exercise while developing a strong mindset where 3 of the core areas we worked on.

Jamie also had several family deaths and a serious back injury that derailed his progress for awhile while working together... yet he still dropped 30+ lbs and 5 inches off his waist.

One of his biggest wins was learning how to rewire his relationship with his food and eating habits. 

Having a busy lifestyle created poor eating habits, however Jamie dedicated himself to our VFR Methodology and over time started to eat better and healthier. 

He also created several personal records in the gym hitting new bests with bench press, deadlift, and squats. 

It's a testimony to his committment towards his health.Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Lisa dropped 10 lbs and 4 inches even with 2 kids and running 2 businesses


Lisa is a time-strapped business owner.

A mother of two small children, her husband and her manage several businesses while raising their family.

She wanted to be a positive role model for her boys while creating a healthy, lean body she could be proud of.

Navigating her busy schedule and rewiring her negative emotions especially when she felt overwhelmed became part of our main focus together.

So we got to work.

We focused on creating a minimum standard for her workouts, meals, and decompression time each week to build lean muscle, burn off body fat, and release stress in a positive way. 

Over time she learned how to retrain her mind and body even as a busy entrepreneur. 

She eventually dropped 10 pounds of body fat and 4 inches off her waist.

Great wins Lisa!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș


Most leaders put their health last to put their work first. 

Here’s why this won’t work: 
  • You’ll keep feeling crappy about yourself and unsure how to move forward with your health even though you know you should be congruent and ‘walk the walk’. 
  • You’ll feel annoyed every time someone asks you why you’re plant-based... and aren’t healthy or in ‘shape’. 
  • You’ll keep wondering if you’re living up to your full potential (while secretly knowing that you could 10x your impact by taking care of yourself first).  

You can’t be your best by putting yourself last. 

Every leader starts by learning how to lead themselves effectively first. 

It's easier said than done. 

Earlier, I shared how I spent 100’s of hours figuring out an evidence-based approach to simplifying fitness for busy plant-based leaders. 

One of the interesting things I discovered along the way?

How you do one thing is how you do all things. 

If you're showing up poorly for your health, you probably aren't being your best in other areas of life. 

(including family, business, career, friendships, spiritual life, etc). 

How you do one thing is how you do all things. 

Like all things, there’s a difference between:

  1. Puzzling things by yourself
  2. Listening to the wrong sources
  3. Having a trusted expert support you 

Plant-based leaders join Vegan Fitness Redefined when they’re ready to outsource their fitness to qualified vegan experts who have walked the walk themselves - and know how to create permanent transformation. 


Imagine a new day

A day where you wake up energized, strong, and happy.

Where you’re able to lead yourself and others with ease while showing up as your best self. 

You know that you’re being a positive role model for your kids. 

And you’re brimming with confidence.

That’s what’s possible when you master your health and body. 

Most high performers have it backwards. 

They think they need to succeed with work. 

Then, they’ll take care of their body. 

It’s the opposite. 

There’s a great quote that says:

‘Health is wealth.’

I’d take that one step further:

‘Health is your first wealth. Without it, true wealth isn’t possible’. 

Wealth isn’t just finances. 

Its energy, relationships, spiritual connection, and living as your best self. 

95% of people who workout eventually lose their results. 

Be part of the 5% who wins year after year while crushing self-doubt

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Laura tripled her strength and became a top-ranked tennis player even as co-founder of Vegan Printer and SoCal VegFest


Laura's schedule is packed everyday. To say she's busy would be an understatement.

Yet, she was struggling with niggling injuries and getting older. She also wanted to uplevel her athletic abilities while learning to lead her community as a positive example.

A key leader in South California, her influence and ability to impact resides heavily on her health and fitness.

Working together, she learned how to stop making herself 'wrong', triple her strength, and even become a top-ranked tennis player (one of her BIG goals).

Even in the midst of running multiple businesses, Laura learned the power of being taking responsibility for her body and the impact it could have it others.

Solid work!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Ashley dropped 15 lbs and 5 inches even as a single mom of 2 and working high powered sales career. 


Meet Ashley. A busy single mom with 2 children, she has a lot on her plate. 

As a busy sales leader, her time is valuable, yet over the years, she hadn’t been putting herself first. 

We initially set her calories with a negative caloric deficit of ~500 k/cal daily.

We added 3 weekly strength workouts, with 1-2 cardio days, since Ashley enjoys running.

We then started to create new systems to rewire her mental and emotional foundation which had been self-sabotaging her for years. 

Her wins: Down 5.5 inches from her waist. 12+ lbs down as of writing. Plus she built several pounds of lean muscle. 

All while flying around the country for meetings, going to Puerto Rico for a quick vacation, and raising her two children.

Great work!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Wins! 

How Nathan dropped 50 lbs and 7 inches while running multi-million dollar company (and dad of two)


Nathan runs a national disaster cleaning service. He leads a large team and has two children.

Yet, he gained weight due to years of putting himself last and not prioritizing his health.

When he applied for help, Nathan was ready for a permanent change. 

Our strategy: Walk 10k steps per day, lift weights 4 days a week, moderate caloric deficit of ~500 k/cal per day, eat slowly, and drink minimum 4 bottles of water per day.

Nathan’s wins even during of his busiest work seasons, traveling internationally, and spending quality time with his family: 

✅Down 50+ lbs (and has kept the weight off for nearly 16 months, as of current writing)

✅Dropped 8 inches from his waist and down 3 pant sizes

✅Confident that he can lead his company to hit first $5 million dollar record year

✅Showing up as a POWERFUL leader for his family, team, and community

Nice work! đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Vanessa dropped 11 lbs, 5 inches, became consistent with exercise even as a busy mom while working as a real estate investor 


Vanessa is a busy entrepreneur.

She's also a real estate investor and health consultant while being a mother and wife.

Due to many years of struggling with her weight (due to family conditioning), she decided enough was enough.

She wanted to feel confident in her body while showing her son a healthy plant-based lifestyle. 

Vanessa and the VFR team got to work. 

We started by creating a solid foundation of exercise and nutrition while retraining the way she viewed her health. 

One of the core areas we focused on was helping her understand that her health was HERS. 

It was her responsibility to take care and create the results she wanted... which she eventually did. 

Down 11 pounds of body, 5 inches from her waist, and doubling her strength in multiple exercises...

...Vanessa even ran a 5k on 4th of July which capped off her newfound health and fitness. 

Great work!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș


Meet the VFR Founders


As the oldest of 6, Gabriel grew up as a perfectionist and overachiever from a young age. He’s also been an athlete for nearly 25+ years. He went vegan 7 years ago after realizing he could heal from a chronic autoimmune disease by eating plants. A prolific writer and certified trainer and coach, he’s written 100’s of articles on vegan health & fitness, spoken at VegFests, and dropped to 4% body fat while competing in men’s physique show. He’s also the co-founder of Vegan Fitness Redefined alongside Anna. 


Originally from East Europe, Anna grew up in a meat-heavy environment. She later struggled with chronic gut issues, horrific acne, and hormonal challenges. Going plant-based healed everything over time. Trained as a nutritional therapist and later as a certified coach, she’s the nutritional genius behind VFR’s unique health strategies. She’s also built 15 lbs of vegan muscle and currently leads the coaching department inside VFR.

This is why the Accelerator 2.0 Program exists

To teach plant-based leaders how to create a lean, strong body that’s built to last. 

We don’t believe in quick fixes inside of VFR. 

We believe in permanent transformation. 

In the world of short-cuts, we focus on longevity. 

Yet, this can only happen when you focus on the complete human being. 

Here’s the biopsychosocial model of health:

(courtesy of Precision Nutrition)

This is how you win with your health. 

By mastering each dimension of what it means to be human. 

Getting healthy used to be just ‘macros and workouts’. 

Yet, nearly 50% of leaders struggle with health. 

If working out and getting ‘fit’ was so easy
 why do so many plant-based leaders struggle then?

Deep health is about the whole human being. 

Most coaching services aren’t aware of how to coach the complete human. 

(let alone guide them on plant-based nutrition, depth psychology, high performance fitness, deep health
 or self-actualization). 

Part of what makes us unique is our deep experience in each of the areas above. 

We understand the frustrations, anxiety, and challenges that come with being a high-performing human. 

We understand you. 

Because we've been there ourselves. 


High Performance Wins! 

How Francis dropped 20+ lbs while running a high-level psychology practice even as single dad working long hours


Francis is a busy psychologist. He works long hours and runs a busy clinic outside NYC.

Yet, years of putting himself last led to a dark place for him and was impacting his confidence and health. 

He wanted to be a role model for his daughter and regain his energy while dropping the stubborn pounds that had crept up...

So we started to put his plan into action. 

Over the course of 4 months, Francis dropped over 20+ lbs, 5 inches off his waist, and shared that this was the BEST experience of his life. 

In fact, he attributed his renewed confidence towards working together and feeling like he had regained his life again. 

Playing basketball, running up steps even in his mid 50's, made him feel like a kid again. 

All while running a busy clinic, leading his staff, and spending time with his daughter. 

Way to go!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Ines dropped 20 lbs, 6 inches, hit her highest push-ups (45!) even as busy mom working 50+ hour weeks as vet manager


Ines came to us at one of her lowest points in her life. 

Postpartum several years, she suffered from depression and not liking herself.

She is also a busy mother and manager at veterinary clinic.

Due to years of not putting herself first, her health was struggling too. 

After applying and being accepted inside VFR, we started by creating her fitness transformation blueprint. 

Mindset. Emotional re-wiring. A specialized nutrition and fitness plan built for her busy schedule. We did a complete overhaul. 

And at first, it was slow... but we continued to build momentum. 

Ines went on to drop over 12 kg of body fat (over 20 lbs) and 6 inches off her waist.

She did this while raising her son, navigating a separation from her partner, and working non-stop. 

If she could this - so can you. 

Great work!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Starla tripled her strength and reclaimed her inner joy even while taking care of her large family and running 2 businesses 


Starla is always on the go.

A big plant-based advocate, she's worked with several top doctors inside plant-based studies.

She also runs multiple businesses and has a large Latin family. 

Yet, aging was on her mind, and taking care of health was a big priority due to busy schedule and struggling with accountability. 

She recognized that her health impacted everything in her health. 

So we started by focusing on her strength workouts, meal quality, and how she worked with stress.

In the first few weeks together, she unfortunately had to go the hospital due to health concerns... yet this still didn't derail us. 

She went over to triple her strength in leg press, squats, and deadlift while running several 5k's and regaining her confidence in her body.

She also stripped off body fat and toned up while doing one of the best things for herself: feeling happy with her body again.

Way to go!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Wins! 

How Barbara dropped 15 lbs and 4 inches off her waist even as an in-demand special needs teacher, raising her son, and navigating family challenges


Barbara works as an in-demand special needs teacher.

She also wasn't happy with her body and no longer felt like confident especially post partum several years. 

After we started working together, we began by creating a systemized approach to her health.

Due to non-stop classes all day, we began to rally behind her enthusiasm for learning and bringing this to her fitness. 

It wasn't easy due to Barbara raising her son, navigating family challenges, and being a complete novice when it came to fitness. 

Yet, we perservered. 

She went over to drop over 15+ pounds of body fat, 4 inches off her waist, and becoming one of the STRONGEST woman in her local gym. 

Talk about going from beginner to expert! 

Solid work!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș


Your 3-Phase Fitness Blueprint

There’s 3 ingredients behind our VFR success recipe inside Accelerator:

#1 Awareness 

Craft a lean, powerful body while stripping off body fat and building strong plant-fueled muscle starts here. 

You can only change what you’re aware of first. 

During this first phase of your hand-built program, you’ll learn how to navigate the difficulties of fitness, even with a busy lifestyle, career, and family life. 

Sculpting a toned, lean body can be time-efficient, easy, and simple with the right approach. 

You’ll learn how to create a powerful mindset around health while rebuilding confidence in your body. 

You'll learn the fundamentals (or more advanced if you're at a higher level) of nutrition, fitness, and mindset to build a permanent foundation of health. 

#2 Accuracy

90% of our students are perfectionists

Which means learning how to re-wire this deadly mental pitfall is necessary. 

Here, you’ll learn how to dial in your nutrition and fitness routines without getting caught in ‘being perfect’. 

Melt stubborn fat, get rid of niggling pains, and multiply your strength using innovative strategies that are built for your life and schedule. 

On the road and need to workout? We got you.

Need simple vegan recipes even with jam-packed meetings? Done. 

Learn how to turn up the fitness dial and create sustainable results. 

It's also why we have such positive reviews and have worked with high-level leaders for years. 

#3 Accelerate

This is where you’ll turbo boost your progress without crippling your results. 

Most leaders struggle with work-life balance.

You’ll learn how to reverse this into life-work balance.

Fitness is a force multiplier. 

Master your body

And everything else falls in place. 

If you want to become your best self (and self-actualize), then your body is a key asset to start this process. 

This is where you'll take the foundation you've created in the first two phases and start to move into lifestyle integration. 

The ultimate goal is high levels of health & fitness that can last even during your busiest season. 

Phase 3 teaches you how to do this. 

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Katie dropped 40+ lbs and 6 inches off her waist even as a busy teacher and vegan activist


Katie does a lot each week.

She works a in-demand private musical teacher, sits on the board of non-profit, and works tirelessly as a vegan activist. 

She also lost several family members and got hit by health concerns which made it hard to work on health. 

Yet, she was also determined to create permanent and sustainable results working together. 

Katie was committed to her health, so we matched her committment. 

Some of her wins: 

✅Dropping 42 lbs and 6+ inches from her waist while doing this sustainably. 

✅Regaining her endurance and stamina for day-long walks as she preps for marathons and long runs again. 

 ✅Permanently changing the way she thinks about herself and her self-worth. 

Way to go!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Maggie dropped 10 lbs while building 5 lbs of muscle even as a busy mother and vegan leader


Maggie is a busy mother.

She's also a leader in her community and works hard for the causes she believes in. 

However, going into her 40's, she wasn't happy with her health.

Nor did she like exercise. 

Changing her relationship with her health was a pivotal area we focused on. 

While navigating a minor surgery for her knee, working through unexpected gut issues, and raising her young daughter, Maggie began to fall in love with exercise (for the first time). 

Her strength got the point she could lift 50 lb cat food bags with ease. 

She went on to drop 10 pounds of body fat while building 5 pounds of lean muscle even with a busy schedule and overcoming limiting beliefs. 

Way to go!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Mindy dropped 12 lbs while feeling confident in her dresses even while leading her team as HR manager


Mindy works as a HR manager of a large team.

Every week her schedule is filled out. 

Yet, she was ready to make her fitness a priority. 

Working together taught her several key lessons: 

Only you can take ownership of your health; no one else. 

Mindy began working out consistently, changing her eating habits, and creating a strong mindset inclined towards health. 

She's went on to drop 12 pounds of body fat while feeling pretty in her dresses again.

The best part? She's done this while eating out with her friends and enjoying her trips. 

She's also learned how to balance her social lifestyle while feeling confident in her body. 

Awesome work!đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș

High Performance Vegan Wins! 

How Lynn dropped her belly 'pooch' while toning up even as a busy sanctuary owner and working non-stop 


Lynn works as a sanctuary owner.

A demanding role which drains her constantly, she began to feel crushed by her work. 

As we started working together, we began by installing our VFR systems into her routines.

We taught her the fundamentals of exercise and nutrition (which she was familiar with from her bodybuilding days) but she benefitted from the refresher. 

As we reestablished consistency, we began to uplevel her strategies. 

Targeting body fat became our focus while increasing her strength and endurance. 

She's gone on to drop 4 inches from her waist while doubling her strength in key lifts and finally creating a lean, toned body. 

Even in the midst of moving house, transitioning to new life phase, and selling her sanctuary. 

Solid work!Â đŸŒ±đŸ’Ș


Step Forward as a Confident Plant-Fueled Leader

Being plant-based can be a lonely journey. 

If you’re still reading, then part of you recognizes that you have untapped potential

The ability to become greater than yourself. 

To become a High Performance Vegan.

Acknowledge that part of yourself. 

Listen to that small voice within that KNOWS that you can be your best. 

Your best for: 

  • Yourself
  • Your family
  • Your impact
  • Your business 
  • Your community

Instead of ignoring your potential like most people do, stand up for WHO you can become. 

Earlier, I asked why if working out and getting ‘fit’ was so easy
 why do so many plant-based leaders struggle then?

Nearly 50% struggle with health. 

Health starts with what you do each day. 

Your daily consistent actions (not perfect ones). 

Our planet needs more humans who embody health.

The question remains - will that be you?

I believe it is. 

If so, apply below and we’d be happy to have you. 

With strength,

Gabriel Alejandro Zhañay

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