How To Lose Weight AND Keep it Off (3 Proven Methods On Vegan Diet)
Oct 10, 2023
I just back from Hawaii a few weeks ago.
My wife Anna and I went for a VERY belated honeymoon (4 years past due).
When we first got married nearly 4 years ago, the world shutdown 4 weeks after we tied the knot.
Everything was locked down.
We had originally intended to go somewhere nice yet with everything shutdown due to the plandemic - we weren't going anywhere.
Fast forward 4 years later.
We had several trips in August and September (last month) to be out on the west coast.
Hawaii was always on our radar.
We took a leap of faith.
I'll never regret going.
One of the best weeks of my life.
Lesson: Don't put off to tomorrow, something that deserves your attention today.
Investing in your relationships is as important as investing in your health.
The more you invest in either of them - the better your returns will be over time.
Here is your 5 Minute Friday:
1. Losing weight is easy
It's keeping it off that's hard.
According to research done on weight loss and long-term weight maintaneance, one of the biggest variables for SUCCESS when it comes to dropping weight is lifting paired with a caloric deficit.
Eric Trexler Phd adds:
"Research suggests that the loss of fat-free mass is a key driver of hyperphagia (excess hunger) after weight loss, and that hyperphagia seems to persist until baseline levels of fat-free mass are restored (3).
So, the best bet is to avoid losing fat-free mass in the first place."
Not a surprise but a good reminder that lifting weights paired with an intelligent caloric deficit is the most effective way to drop fat and retain lean muscle.
2. Negative energy balance is the path
Every single successful diet in the history of diets uses this principle:
'Energy balance'
Ultimately, the physiological process of losing weight is pretty straightforward - eating less calories (energy) than your body needs to force your body to use stored body fat (energy) to fuel your day.
I understand that there's more to us as human beings than just macros and calories (especially when it comes to the mental and emotional processes) but fundamentally dropping fat and weight is a straightforward process.
It's the execution that can be challenging.
Which leads to my third point:
3. Aim for consistent weight loss (fat loss) rather than overnight success
If you want quick results - drop weight fast.
If you want results for life - focus on steady and sustainable progress.
In the weight-loss world, speed is seen as the 'holy grail' of fitness.
'Drop 20 lbs in 4 weeks!' 'See your abs in 3 weeks' 'Drop 7 lbs in 7 days!'
Is all of this doable?
Are you likely to RETAIN your results after your reaching your goal weight?
Probably not.
95% of people who lose weight, regain it within 5 years or less.
The gold standard for dropping weight (specifically fat tissue) is ~1 pound per week.
While this can fluctuate and vary by individual, after coaching 100's of clients in-person and online, this has been the gold standard I've seen to retain a new bodyweight or body composition.
Focus on sustainability and long-term success rather than trying to overhaul your life overnight.
Slow and steady does win the race.
Client of the Week
Before N. and I started working together, he was struggling with:
âOvereating and unable to control his cravings especially with long hours on road/office
âInsecure in his body and unable to take his company to new levels of growth
âSluggish and ‘out of touch’ from his inner athlete which had been part of his identity for so long
âDidn’t feel confident as a CEO or show up powerfully for his team, family, and relationships
Our strategy: Walk 10k steps per day, lift weights 4 days a week, moderate caloric deficit of ~500 k/cal per day, eat slowly, and drink minimum 4 bottles of water per day.
Nathan’s wins so far:
â Down 55 lbs (and has kept the weight off for nearly 12 months)
â Dropped 8 inches from his waist and down 3 pant sizes
â Confident that he can lead his company to hit first $5 million dollar record year
â Showing up as a POWERFUL leader for his family, team, and community
If you're a busy vegan professional or entrepreneur who wants to get lean, build muscle, and build a high-performance body while fueling your vegan impact, click here to apply for a free gameplan session.â
One Quote To Finish Your Week Strong
Sometimes it’s just as important to understand WHY we do what we do as it is to actually take consistent action.
No matter where you are in your fitness journey - I’m rooting for you too. :)
- Gabriel
Whenever you're ready, there's 2 ways I can help you:
1. Join our free high-performance vegan fitness FB group to get access to dozens of live trainings recorded to get lean, build muscle, and regain energy even with a busy lifestyle.
2. Are you a high-performing vegan who wants to get lean, reclaim strength, and lead by example? Apply for private one-to-one coaching here.